Ringed Sap-Sucking Slug – iNaturalist The sandbar will actually be exposed during low tide! I certainly wasn’t expecting to see a ringed sap-sucking slug when I rolled out of the kayak in three feet deep water in Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu in Hawai’i. We started our morning by kayaking one mile straight […]
Pustulose Wart Slug
Pustulose Wart Slug – iNaturalist There’s not much information about the pustulose wart slug This was one of the last photos that I took while on a two-dive trip off the coast of Oahu in Hawai’i. I was so excited to get to see two different species of nudibranchs within just a few minutes of […]
Yellowstripe Goatfish
Yellowstripe Goatfish – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern This species of fish is able to use camouflage Sometimes when you are underwater, you get visually overwhelmed as your surrounded by a school of fish. This was one of those times. I was snorkeling and freediving down to ten to fifteen feet, taking photos, and enjoying […]
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern But I’ll be one of the first to tell you that you don’t have to go deep to see amazing nature! This was a fun photo of a largemouth bass that I was able to take while exploring a freshwater quarry with my sister in Indiana. The […]
Long-Spined Crown-of-Thorns
Long-Spined Crown-of-Thorns – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Over 1,500 species of fishes, invertebrates, and algae that call the nearshore waters of Hawai’i home My wife and I were on the most amazing snorkel trip of my life on the day that I took this photo. We had been in the water for about two […]
Trooping Crumble Cap
Trooping Crumble Cap – iNaturalist The trooping crumble cap can be found in Europe, North America, Asia, South America, and Australia I was so excited when I saw these mushrooms. I’ve always enjoyed taking photos of mushrooms, and I’ve always enjoyed macro photography. These mushrooms are the perfect combination of the two. Jill and I […]
Plateful of Pyramids Lepidella
Plateful of Pyramids Lepidella – iNaturalist The scientific name for the plateful of pyramids lepidella is Amanita polypyramis This plateful of pyramids lepidella mushroom photo was taken in Brown County State Park in southern Indiana. I was out for a hike in the middle of July with my wife when I came across this mushroom […]
Sharp-Scaly Pholiota
Sharp-Scaly Pholiota – iNaturalist The sharp-scaly Pholiota grows in crowded clusters of mushrooms When hiking in the woods, sometimes you come across something that confuses you. I thought I was looking at a pan of bread rolls when I first saw this colony of sharp-scaly pholiota. There’s a lot to learn about this unique species […]
Orange Sulphur
Orange Sulphur – iNaturalist There are complete pink and black spots that run from top to bottom During the summer of 2023, we had an extremely prolific flower garden that was teeming with different perennials. I was walking around taking photos of some of these flowers when I came upon this butterfly. Its common name […]
Condylostylus sipho
Condylostylus sipho – iNaturalist Much more is known about the family of true flies that this species belongs to Up until the evening of May 31st, this insect wasn’t going to be in the June gallery. I was eating dinner on my back porch with my wife, when suddenly this true fly came and landed […]