
Stargazer Live

SOUTHERN STARGAZER – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Stargazers cover themselves in the sand This eyeball belongs to a rarely seen creature called a stargazer. There is a northern stargazer and a southern stargazer. Both look about the same, and the only way you can really tell the difference is the tail of the stargazer, as well […]

Blow Fly

Blow Fly Live

Most blow flies live in temperate to tropical regions. The larvae of blow flies are used for a medical treatment called “maggot therapy”. Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) uses laboratory raised fly larvae to treat stasis ulcers, postsurgical wounds, pressure clots, and diabetic foot wounds. The larvae eat only the dead tissue, which improves the healing potential of […]

Mantis Shrimp

Mantis Shrimp Live

MANTIS SHRIMP – IUCN Conservation Status: Varied The mantis shrimp has one of the most complex visual systems in the animal kingdom This creature is thought to have the most complex visual system in the animal kingdom. How can we break down such a complicated biological system? Let’s start by talking about photoreceptor cells. These cells are used […]

Rainbow in the White Mountains

Rainbow in the White Mountains Live

The White Mountain National Forest covers almost 800,000 acres! This month Wild Boyz Photography’s theme is “landscapes”. This landscape is from the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. This vast forest encompasses almost 800,000 acres! Most of that is in New Hampshire, but the White Mountains continue on into western Maine. The White Mountains cover roughly ¼ of […]

The Slot

The Slot Anza Borrego Live

This slot canyon hike is located in the southern California desert This might be one of the best “short” hikes out there. It is only a 0.8-mile hike. You can hike the trail in 15 minutes, but you won’t want to. There are too many amazing views. Besides being a short hike, this is also a relatively easy hike, […]

Table Rock

Table Rock Grafton Notch Live

Table Rock is in Grafton Notch State Park This wild landscape photo is from Grafton Notch State Park is western Maine. This is a 3,000-acre wilderness that is beautiful any time of year, but especially in the fall. This photo was taken this October, during the peak of fall foliage.   DONATE Grafton Notch is known to have […]

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper Live

EASTERN LUBBER GRASSHOPPER – IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA Approach slowly to get a close look at this wild creature! This bright colored grasshopper is hard to miss. The eastern lubber grasshopper is an interesting creature that can grow to ~2.5” long. They can be found throughout the southeastern United States (North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, […]

Pygmy Filefish

Pygmy Filefish Camouflage Live

PYGMY FILEFISH – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN The pygmy filefish and the green feather algae are almost the exact same color! This is yet another photo from Blue Heron Bridge in West Palm Beach, Florida. Diving here is like playing underwater Where’s Waldo. There are lots of cryptic creatures that camouflage with the seafloor. Some practice mimicry, […]

Longarm Octopus

Longarm Octopus Camouflage Live

ATLANTIC LONGARM OCTOPUS – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN The longarm octopus can change their color and texture! Can you find the octopus? The eyeball is in the center of the photograph. Once you find the eye, the rest of the octopus appears. As the name suggests, the longarm octopus are known for their long arms. Their arms can […]