I was out on a “blackwater night dive” Capturing a flash of lightning in a photo can be pretty challenging, even in Florida (the state with the most lightning strikes every year, ~1.45 million strikes). This photo was taken about 5 miles offshore of West Palm Beach, Florida. I was out on a “blackwater night […]
Liberty Gorge Cascade
This picturesque 60′ tall waterfall I am fortunate to live in a state with lots of beautiful waterfalls, and this is yet another example of that. Located at the Flume Gorge, within Franconia Notch State Park, lies this picturesque 60-foot-tall waterfall. The Flume Gorge is one of the top attractions within the White Mountain National Forest […]
Arethusa Falls
This is the highest single-drop waterfall in New England One of the best day hikes in the White Mountains of New Hampshire will lead you to this spectacular waterfall. The falls are between 125-200 feet tall, depending on where you measure. Allegedly this is the highest single-drop waterfall that is trail-accessible in all New England. […]
Ripley Falls
This 100′ tall waterfall feeds into the Saco River You will find Ripley Falls at Crawford Notch State Park, within the White Mountain National Forest. Located within my home state of New Hampshire, this 100-foot-tall waterfall is situated along Avalanche Brook, which feeds into the Saco River. When the falls are not frozen, the face […]
Arrow Crab Duel
Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers This is a photo of two arrow crabs fighting. During this dive, I remember watching the arrow crabs battle, presumably over territory. When the one arrow crab grabbed the other arrow crab’s blue claws, I took the shot. Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers, which makes them […]
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
This shrimp can be found among anemone. Believe it or not, this beautiful shrimp is less than one inch long. Spotted cleaner shrimp are found among certain species of anemone, in this case a corkscrew anemone. As the name implies, this shrimp actually “cleans” the parasites, dead tissue, and algae off of fish. If you […]
Green Sea Turtle
To say the turtle was wrapped in fishing line would be an understatement Diving on a patch reef in the Florida Keys about a month ago, I came across this turtle. It swam right up to me and my dive buddy. To say he was wrapped up in fishing line would be an understatement. The turtle had fishing […]
Look closely, you can see the baby osprey in the nest. This is a photo of an osprey, my favorite sea bird. I took this photo down in Key Largo, Florida, where I used to live. I regularly visited this particular osprey nest. If you look closely, you can see the baby osprey in the nest. The […]
Silhouette on Mt Lafayette
Watching this stoic bird, perched on a rock at the summit This particular photo was taken at the summit of Mt. Lafayette. More specifically it was taken in the Franconia Range of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Although I am uncertain of this specific bird, I always liked this photo. I remember watching this […]
Gray Jay
Its wings cupped, as if it were a parachute This is a photo of a Gray Jay taking flight. I took this photo in January up the in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, at the summit of Mt. Willey. The background of this photo is snowcapped Mount Washington. I like this photo because it […]