Atlantic Spadefish

Atlantic Spadefish Live

Atlantic Spadefish – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern You can find Atlantic spadefish in the shallow waters of the east coast These silvery zebra striped fish are called Atlantic spadefish. They grow to a couple feet long and can be found on their own or schooling with others. They tend to be unafraid of scuba divers. In fact, […]

Seaweed Blenny

Seaweed Blenny Live

Seaweed Blenny – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern If you approach slowly and try to get below them, seaweed blennies appear to be comfortable checking you out Although it may be hard to tell in this photo, you are looking at a fish that will only grow to about three inches. You can only see its […]

Birch Polypore

Birch Polypore Live

Birch Polypore – iNaturalist Mushrooms rely on external food sources for energy This is our first “Mushroom” themed gallery here at WBP! Although we have written about them in the past, we are excited to dedicate a whole month to it here in July. Additionally, we are excited to feature some amazing mushroom photographs from Dan Clement, […]

Viscid Violet Cort

Viscid Violet Cort Live

Viscid Violet Cort – iNaturalist This golf ball sized mushroom starts out round and as it grows the cap flattens out This interesting mushroom is hard to miss. There are not a lot of purple colored things in the forest. This golf ball sized mushroom starts out round and as it grows the cap flattens out. Knowing this, […]

Fruit Flies on Mushroom

Immigrant Fruit Flies Live

Dutton Pines State Park Dutton Pines is a beautiful day use recreational area adjacent to the Connecticut River This photo was taken in Dutton Pines State Park in Southern Vermont. This park contains a forest of white pine, red oak, and black oak, among other species. Dutton Pines is a beautiful day use recreational area adjacent to […]


Scorpionfly Live

Scorpionfly – iNaturalist  They have a yellow body with two pairs of black and yellow striped wings This wild insect is called a scorpionfly. These small to medium sized insects are visually distinct. They have a yellow body with two pairs of black and yellow striped wings. They have very long antennae and an elongated head. Scorpionflies get their […]

Pine Sawyer

Pine Sawyer Live

Pine Sawyer – iNaturalist This beetle is native to the area and is not considered a deforestation threat This is a sawyer beetle, a type of long-horned beetle.  There are two species of sawyer beetle in Maine, where this photo was taken. There is the whitespotted sawyer beetle and the Northeastern pine sawyer. Both species are similar looking, […]

Autumn Meadowhawk

Autumn Meadowhawk Live

Autumn Meadowhawk – iNaturalist Like other dragonflies, autumn meadowhawks prey on flying insects This wild looking dragonfly is called an autumn meadowhawk. These ornate dragonflies are on the small side, measuring up to 1.5 inches long. This species is also referred to as the yellow-legged meadowhawk, because the legs of the adults are yellow. If you look closely, […]

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Hawksbill Sea Turtle Live

Hawksbill – IUCN Conservation Status: Critically Endangered Hawksbills are smaller turtles than similarly looking green turtles This small hawksbill turtle is drifting with the current. Adult hawksbills will grow to about three feet long and weigh around 180 pounds. This little turtle was less than a foot long. We were able to snorkel with it for a short […]

Florida Softshell Turtle

Florida Softshell Turtle Live

Florida Softshell Turtle – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern They get this name from their cartilaginous carapace This is Virgil the Turtle. Virgil is a Florida softshell turtle that lives near Williston, Florida. Williston is a small town about half an hour south of Gainesville. North Central Florida is known for its fresh water springs, caverns, and caves. Virgil […]