Our Creative Commons License and Why We Chose It
CC-BY-NC-SA What does it mean*?

Creative Commons
The Creative Commons is an organization that helps people and business to share their work in an accessible and licensed manner.

The NonCommercial coverage means that businesses and/or individuals cannot use our images for individual gain. If you are a business that would like to use one of our images, contact us here.

If anyone desires to share the work that we publish on the website, they will need to credit that Wild Boyz Photography, Inc. was the creator of the work.

If an individual would like to redistribute, modify, or reuse our work, it must be shared under the same license.
Why did we choose this license?
We chose this license so that individuals cans use our photos for their own purposes. We want you to download the images and use them as the background of your computer. Take them and print them on a canvas or on glass (check it out, the quality is amazing!). Use these images for your appreciation of nature.
*The content on this page in no way modifies the Creative Commons License that governs all content distributed on this and any other domain owned by Wild Boyz Photography, Inc.