Save Barnegat Bay
Save Barnegat Bay was founded by Charles Hedlund and neighbors in 1971 as the Ocean County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America in response to a proposed development in what are today Traders Cove and F-Cove in Brick Township.
In 1985, the organization became reinvigorated, expanded its scope to the whole watershed, and adopted the name Save Barnegat Bay. They advance their mission by being a strong and independent voice for the Bay throughout the watershed, including all of Ocean and part of Monmouth Counties.
From the 1980’s until well into the first decade of the twenty-first century, the group’s primary focus was on resisting imprudent development and promoting conservation of open space in its natural state. In recent years, as the watershed has become largely built out, Save Barnegat Bay has been responding to the vast number of factors that threaten the health of Barnegat Bay and its ecosystem
The success of their educational programs and advocacy campaigns are the result of their strong connection to the Bay, environmental expertise, ability to collaborate with other organizations, and credibility as a 50+ year community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a record of accomplishment. Their members and donors generously support the work of Save Barnegat Bay, giving them flexibility and a strong foundation from which to grow.
The mission of Save Barnegat Bay is to restore and protect Barnegat Bay and its ecosystem

Save Barnegat Bay’s Work
The following are a couple highlights of the impactful work of Save Barnegat Bay. Their work helps to protect the Barnegat Bay and to restore is delicate ecosystem.
Non-Point Education For Municipal Officials (NEMO)

Looking for stormwater funding and grant opportunities for your town? Save Barnegat Bay has compiled an extensive list of helpful resources, including local, state, and federal funding opportunities. Save Barnegat Bay was awarded a grant from the NJDEP to educate the municipalities and local communities in the watershed about stormwater and its impact on Barnegat Bay.
This Way to Barnegat Bay is a curriculum created to highlight the ecosystems, plants, and animals that reside both in the Barnegat Bay and the Barnegat Bay Watershed. Save Barnegat Bay is equipped with tools, lesson plans, and partners to bring the most dynamic and interactive presentation to your classroom.
This Way to Barnegat Bay

Join us in supporting Save Barnegat Bay
75% of this month's donations will go towards this month's partner
This month and every month, Wild Boyz Photography will be partnering with one nonprofit. 75% of any donations that we receive during the month will go to the nonprofit. Help Save Barnegat Bay today.