Red-Spotted Toad

Red-Spotted Toad Live

Red-Spotted Toad – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern That’s when I came across a horde of tiny toads This photo of a red-spotted toad was taken while on a hike in Austin, Texas. I was hiking on a trail with my brother, Nick, who also serves as the scientific advisor for Wild Boyz Photography. We […]

Fowler’s Toad

Fowler's Toad Live

FOWLER’S TOAD – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Fowler’s toads have black and yellow eyes The photo of this fowler’s toad is courtesy of my dog, Landon. While Jill and I were hiking at Indian and Celina Lakes in southern Indiana, this little frog caught the eye of our dog. Once the frog stopped hopping, […]

Red Spotted Newt

Red Spotted Newt Live

Red Spotted Newts practice aposematism as juveniles This curious creature is a Red Spotted Newt (also called Eastern Newt).  As the name suggests, this species can be found in the eastern parts of the United States.  This three-inch-long newt was photographed at October Mountain State Forest in western Massachusetts.  October Mountain is the largest state […]