Pronghorn Yellowstone National Park

Pronghorn Yellowstone Live

Yellowstone National Park The pronghorn was grazing comfortably while snow was coming down sideways This exotic looking animal is called a pronghorn. It is the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere. When pronghorn sprint, they can reach speeds of around 50 miles per hour. They are known for their sustained speed over long distances. Why are pronghorn so […]


Permit Key Largo Live

Permit – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Permit are extremely efficient swimmers due to their body design The three large fish on the left are called, “permit”. These large silvery fish are not a frequent sighting on the Florida Keys reefs. Some people think the bubbles from scuba divers attracts their attention. They rarely hang around for […]

Newport Cove Acadia National Park

Newport Cove Acadia National Park Live

Acadia National Park Tides can be as much as 12 feet This photo was taken along the rocky coastline of Acadia National Park. Acadia National Park is located roughly two-thirds of the way north along Maine’s coast. It is a unique place. It is the only area along the United States eastern seaboard that has shear cliffs.  Jordan […]

Florida Softshell Turtle

Florida Softshell Turtle Live

Florida Softshell Turtle – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern They get this name from their cartilaginous carapace This is Virgil the Turtle. Virgil is a Florida softshell turtle that lives near Williston, Florida. Williston is a small town about half an hour south of Gainesville. North Central Florida is known for its fresh water springs, caverns, and caves. Virgil […]

Jordan Pond

Jordan Pond Live

Jordan Pond – Acadia National Park This is the deepest body of water in Acadia reaching depths of 150 feet My favorite place east of the Mississippi River is Acadia National Park. This beautiful national park is located on an island along the northeast coast of Maine. It is not far from the most easterly part of […]

Fraternal Potter Wasp

Fraternal Potter Wasp Nest Live

Fraternal Potter Wasp – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Once the nest is complete, they will collect beetle larvae, spiders, or caterpillars One day I decided to work from the deck that is right outside my bedroom. While I was sitting there, I noticed that a fraternal potter wasp was coming and going. It wasn’t […]

Mustard Yellow Polypore

Mustard Yellow Polypore Live

Mustard Yellow Polypore – IUCN Description: Insufficient Data It is easiest to identify this mushroom when it is growing I took this photo of a mustard yellow polypore mushroom while hiking at Eagle Creek Park in Indiana. I was letting Landon, my dog, guide me along the trail and allowing him to stop and sniff […]