Carolina Grasshopper

Carolina Grasshopper Camouflage Live

CAROLINA GRASSHOPPER – IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA I got this photo just in time! I first saw this insect at the beginning of the summer. As I was working in my garden, it startled me when it flew into the air with an erratic leap. I of course hadn’t seen the grasshopper because it […]

Brown-Shaded Gray Moth

Brown-shaded Gray Moth Camouflage Live

BROWN-SHADED GRAY MOTH – IUCN Conservation Status: DATA INSUFFICIENT This isn’t the world’s most exciting photo Look closely, and you can see the brown-shaded gray moth in the center of this photo. It was almost perfectly blended in with the tree. I surprisingly took this photo with a super-telephoto lens that my brother and I […]

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Eastern Tent Caterpillar Camouflage Live

EASTERN TENT CATERPILLAR – IUCN Conservation Status: DATA DEFFICIENT “How will I ever find the camouflaged animals?” I asked I have to give credit for this photo to my cat. We occasionally take him outside on a leash, and he lead me right over to this tree. I bumped my head against a branch, and […]