Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone Live

Ruddy Turnstone – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern This ruddy turnstone is missing its right foot This small shorebird is called a ruddy turnstone. They are found on beaches across the world. In the United States, we can find them on both coasts, typically in the spring and fall. Despite sounding like a beach bum bird, these birds […]


Snakefish Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Their bodies have horizontal blue and yellow stripes This is the head of a snakefish, otherwise known as a blunt-nose lizardfish. This species is found in the Atlantic Ocean, and more specifically this photo was taken off of West Palm Beach, Florida. These fish live on the bottom (benthic) and tend to […]

Goldentail Moray Eel

Goldentail Moray Eel Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern They have an anguilliform body plan This creature may appear menacing; however, it is only opening its mouth to breathe.  Goldentail moray eels will continuously open and close their mouths as a requirement of their respiration process. These eels don’t have bony gill covers like a fish would have. Instead, goldentail eels […]

Cuban Brown Anole

Cuban Brown Anole Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern These lizards are invasive to the southern United States, Hawaii, California, Mexico, and Taiwan As the name implies, this lizard is native to Cuba, and not Florida where this photo was taken. More specifically, this photo was taken in Everglades National Park. The Cuban brown anole is a highly invasive lizard species […]

Alligator Texture

Alligator Overhead Big Cypress Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern That’s as many alligators as there are people in Miami and Tampa combined! Possibly the best animal to convey our gallery theme of “Textures”, this is the American alligator. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission believe there to be ~1.3 million individuals in the state. That’s as many alligators as there are […]

Purple Spotted Sea Goddess

Purple Spotted Sea Goddess Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Data Deficient This little purple spotted sea goddess measures in at about an inch This wild creature is a species of nudibranch called a “purple spotted sea goddess”. These ornate sea slugs are rarely seen by divers. This little guy measures in at about an inch. This particular species of nudibranch is only known to […]

Fakahatchee Strand

Silver Lake New Hampshire Live

Fakahatchee Strand Fakahatchee Strand is known for its incredible biodiversity Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park is a swamp forest in southern Florida. The park runs north to south and the dimensions are roughly 20 miles long by 5 miles wide. It is a part of the Everglades hydrologic system. These waters eventually drain to the Ten Thousand Islands, […]

Redspotted Hawkfish

Silver Lake New Hampshire Live

Redspotted Hawkfish – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern These fish can be very shy This is the only species of hawkfish we have in the Atlantic basin! This 2”-3” reef dwelling fish was common to see where I used to live, in the Florida Keys. However, this fish was also a challenging one to get a photo […]

Alligator Fakahatchee

Alligator Fakahatchee Live

Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park This alligator is in the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park Look closely and you will see an alligator peeking its head above the water. This photo is from Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park. This vast state park is actually the largest state park in Florida, encompassing more than 85,000 acres. Wild Boyz Photography […]

Alligator Close Up

Alligator Close Up Live

Alligator – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern In colder weather alligators may even enter a state of hibernation Getting up close and personal with an alligator can sound intimidating! Matt and I are able to safely engage with nature by using the right equipment. In this case, it was a DSLR camera with a super […]