Spanish Needles

Spanish Needles Live

Spanish Needles – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data The chukar is an upland game bird that belongs to the pheasant family This photo was taken while Jill and I were walking around the top of Haleakala after having watched the sunrise on her birthday. We were in Hawaii for our honeymoon, staying on Maui. We […]

False Dayflower

False Dayflower Live

False Dayflower – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data This flower is found exclusively in Texas I was taking a break between climbs while climbing in Austin, Texas when I took this photo of a false dayflower. My brother, Nick, and I had been climbing along the Greenbelt when we took a break, and I saw […]

Purple Coneflower

Purple Coneflower Live

Purple Coneflower – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data The dome of the purple coneflower is dominated by multiple small yellow florets When you first look at this photo, you might think to yourself, “what in the world am I looking at?”, “is this from planet Earth?”, “what are these red and orange spikes?”, and more. […]

Tree Crinum

Tree Crinum Live

Tree Crinum – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data It has the common name: poison bulb, Asian poison bulb, giant crinum lily, grand crinum lily, and spider lily I took this photo while on the big island of Hawai’i. It was planted near the condo that my wife and I were staying at. I was mesmerized […]


Echinacea Live

Echinacea – IUCN Conservation Status: Varies Echinacea is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family Although flowers in the genus Echinacea are common across the United States, two of the nine species have been listed as endangered species. Thanks to strong recovery, one has been delisted, and the other is now only […]

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider Live

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider The color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower This month, we are featuring creatures with camouflage capabilities. This spider is capable of changing its color based on the surrounding environment. In this case, the color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower it hunts upon. Wild Boyz Photography featured […]

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Live

Praying Mantis – IUCN Conservation Status: Varies Mantids will not develop wings until their final molt These alien looking insects are masters of camouflage and ambush predation. They are often not seen because of this stealth lifestyle. These cryptic creatures have triangle shaped heads. They have large complex eyes that take up most of their heads. Praying mantis have […]


Jimsonweed Live

JImsonweed – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data The jimsonweed flower opens up every night as the sun goes down This jimsonweed plant is one of the most interesting plants that has ever grown in my yard. To start off, the corollas of the plant twist shut during the day. Corollas are the collection of all […]

Slosson’s Mason Wasp

Slosson's Mason Wasp Live

Slosson’s Mason Wasp – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data We were hiking along the 2,500 foot long Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk when we came across this Slosson’s mason wasp This spectacular pollinator photo was taken when I was on a hike with Matt in the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park. This park sits right next […]

Checkered Melon Beetle

Checkered Melon Beetle Live

Checkered Melon Beetle – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data These types of beetles are known as skeletonizing leaf beetles or flea beetles Big Bend National Park is a magnificent desert landscape that includes the Chisos Mountains and border the Rio Grande. Within this park there are many species of pollinators. Some are endemic to the […]