
Sandstone Live

Shades State Park The drop off is 100 feet to the bottom of the sandstone ridge! Step after step we hiked up the trail. It was a perfect day for hiking with temperatures in the mid-seventies. The sun was shining that day, and there wasn’t a hint of foul weather. Jill and I were hiking […]


Lichen Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Varies Lichens are known as composite organisms I took this photo while out for a hike with Matt at Eagle Creek Park in central Indiana. we had rented a super telephoto lens to take some bird photos. While we were getting out to the lake, I was playing with matts 105mm lens […]

Eastern Carpenter Bee

Eastern Carpenter Bee Live

Eagle Creek Park They are known to have solitary nests, but they usually nest in social groups. I took this photo of an eastern carpenter bee on the same day that I took the photo of a goldenrod soldier beetle. Matt had been in Indianapolis visiting, and we went to Eagle Creek Park to take […]

Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp – IUCN Conservations Status: Insufficient Data Wasps can sting repeatedly This fascinating pollinator is a paper wasp. These wild looking wasps measure in at about an inch. Their body coloration ranges and may include yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. This paper wasp even appears to have green eyes!  Bee Why is it called a paper wasp? These […]

Eagle Creek Sunrise

Eagle Creek Park Sunrise Live

Eagle Creek Park Learn more about Rayleigh scattering There is a deep sense of peace that can be felt when you are the only one on the water early in the morning. On this particular day, I was kayaking on Eagle Creek Reservoir in Indianapolis. From what I could see, I was the only person […]


Mallards Live

Mallards – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Mallards are the most common duck in North America I took this photo while kayaking on Eagle Creek Reservoir. You can often see mallards while at this park. On this day, I was on the far north end of the reservoir when I came across these two. This […]

White Pelican

White Pelicans Eagle Creek Park Live

American White Pelican – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern The beak of American white pelicans can be as long as 15 inches! American white pelicans can grow to be over five feet in length! Part of that length is their beak, which can grow to be fifteen inches long! Adult wingspans can approach ten feet. These birds typically […]

Fowler’s Toad

Fowler's Toad Live

FOWLER’S TOAD – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Fowler’s toads have black and yellow eyes The photo of this fowler’s toad is courtesy of my dog, Landon. While Jill and I were hiking at Indian and Celina Lakes in southern Indiana, this little frog caught the eye of our dog. Once the frog stopped hopping, […]

Wheel Bug

Wheel Bug Live

WHEEL BUG – IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA They sink their proboscis into the prey and inject a paralyzing enzyme This photo is of wheel bug nymphs in the first instar stages. They go through five instar stages before becoming adults. Here, they can be seen with the egg cases that they hatch from in […]

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider Live

WOLF SPIDER – IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA They lay more than 100 eggs Have you ever seen a spookier looking insect?! This wolf spider is carrying its recently hatched young on its back! When I first saw this spider on the trail at Indian and Celina Lakes in southern Indiana, I thought I was […]