CAROLINA GRASSHOPPER – IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA I got this photo just in time! I first saw this insect at the beginning of the summer. As I was working in my garden, it startled me when it flew into the air with an erratic leap. I of course hadn’t seen the grasshopper because it […]
Brown-Shaded Gray Moth
BROWN-SHADED GRAY MOTH – IUCN Conservation Status: DATA INSUFFICIENT This isn’t the world’s most exciting photo Look closely, and you can see the brown-shaded gray moth in the center of this photo. It was almost perfectly blended in with the tree. I surprisingly took this photo with a super-telephoto lens that my brother and I […]
Great Blue Heron
GREAT BLUE HERON – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Great blue herons nest in trees! To me great blue herons are one of the most elegant birds. From my observations, they can sit absolutely still for hours while they hunt in the shallow water for fish. I enjoy looking at any wildlife that I go […]
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
EASTERN TENT CATERPILLAR – IUCN Conservation Status: DATA DEFFICIENT “How will I ever find the camouflaged animals?” I asked I have to give credit for this photo to my cat. We occasionally take him outside on a leash, and he lead me right over to this tree. I bumped my head against a branch, and […]
SAY’S FIREFLY – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN Fireflies are bioluminescent, meaning they are able to light up At the end of June there was an explosion of fireflies in my backyard that cause me to take this photo. Some people call these bioluminescent creatures lightning bugs, while others call them fireflies. What’s great about […]
West Coast Wildfire Sunset
Moon – No Conservation Status In 2020 more than 10.1 million acres of land were burned in California At first, I had no idea that I was looking at a wildfire sunset when the sun caught my eye the night that I took this photo. It was the middle of September in Indiana, and it […]
Eastern Box Turtle
EASTERN BOX TURTLE – IUCN Conservation Status: VULNERABLE Eastern box turtle populations are in decline The eastern box turtles population is in decline throughout the wold. I was lucky that I was able to see this species of turtle in one of the most western portions of its range. Jill and I were out for […]
Strawberry Flower
Strawberry Flower: IUCN Conservation Status: INSUFFICIENT DATA I was picking upwards of 50 strawberries in a day! This strawberry flower was one of many exciting plants that grew in our yard this past year. My wife and I moved in during the month of April, and with each passing week a new plant seemed to […]
Black and White Ferns
Ferns – IUCN Conservation Status: 64 Endangered Species The right angle took these unassuming ferns into a beautiful photo This month’s gallery is meant to highlight the photos that you can take in your own backyard. Surprisingly, all of my photos were taken within five feet of each other! Just off my deck is a […]
Icicles on a Redbud Tree
Eastern Redbud – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN With great luck I go this photo of icicles on an eastern redbud tree I have been thinking about this gallery since Matt and I planned it at the end of 2020. Looking back through my photos, I knew that I had two that I definitely wanted […]