Nurse Shark

Nurse Shark Live

Nurse Shark – IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable Nurse sharks are not considered a dangerous shark species to humans This is a photograph of a nurse shark, taken in Key Largo, Florida. To get a close up photograph of a shark can be tricky, but the nurse shark gives you a better chance than most shark species. Nurse […]


Permit Key Largo Live

Permit – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Permit are extremely efficient swimmers due to their body design The three large fish on the left are called, “permit”. These large silvery fish are not a frequent sighting on the Florida Keys reefs. Some people think the bubbles from scuba divers attracts their attention. They rarely hang around for […]

Smooth Trunkfish

Smooth Trunkfish Live

Smooth Trunkfish – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern These odd shaped swimmers will grow to about a foot long This interesting tropical fish is called a smooth trunkfish. This photograph was taken in Key Largo, on a shallow inshore reef. Smooth trunkfish are commonly seen in these waters as well as throughout Florida and the Caribbean. They are […]

Calm before the Storm

Storm at Sea Calm Reef Live

National Data Buoy Center Things can change from calm to a storm in an instant The ocean is a dynamic environment. For anyone who has spent time on boats, this is something that’s always in the back of your mind. Things can change from calm to a storm even more quickly in the warm summer months, when […]

Arrow Crab Duel

Arrow Crab

Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers This is a photo of two arrow crabs fighting.  During this dive, I remember watching the arrow crabs battle, presumably over territory.  When the one arrow crab grabbed the other arrow crab’s blue claws, I took the shot.  Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers, which makes them […]

Spotted Cleaner Shrimp

Spotted Cleaner Shrimp

This shrimp can be found among anemone. Believe it or not, this beautiful shrimp is less than one inch long. Spotted cleaner shrimp are found among certain species of anemone, in this case a corkscrew anemone. As the name implies, this shrimp actually “cleans” the parasites, dead tissue, and algae off of fish. If you […]

Green Sea Turtle

Turtle Black and White Full

To say the turtle was wrapped in fishing line would be an understatement Diving on a patch reef in the Florida Keys about a month ago, I came across this turtle. It swam right up to me and my dive buddy. To say he was wrapped up in fishing line would be an understatement. The turtle had fishing […]