Cumulus Clouds Myrtle Beach

Cumulus Clouds Myrtle Beach

National Weather Service Clouds are described in three categories: cumuloform, stratoform, or cirroform. This month our gallery theme is “Clouds”. We will be exploring the different types of clouds that blanket earth. A man named Luke Howard was the first to publish a classification system for cloud types. He published this cloud classification system back in 1802! We still […]

Flash of Lightning Out at Sea

B&W Sirena

I was out on a “blackwater night dive” Capturing a flash of lightning in a photo can be pretty challenging, even in Florida (the state with the most lightning strikes every year, ~1.45 million strikes).  This photo was taken about 5 miles offshore of West Palm Beach, Florida. I was out on a “blackwater night […]

Kaho’olawe Storm

Kaho'olawe Storm

[To] the right side of the island…you can see a lightning strike! I took this photo one evening while Jill and I were in Maui for our honeymoon. We were eating dinner on our lanai. We slowly watched as the sunset, and then clouds started to form out over the ocean as the sky darkened. […]

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