Red Admiral – iNaturalist The red admiral was previously known by the common name, the red admirable When I took this photo, I had just finished up a scuba dive in the middle of Indiana. The water had been a brisk temperature, and I was ready to heat up. My towel was being guarded by […]
Autumn Meadowhawk
Autumn Meadowhawk – iNaturalist Like other dragonflies, autumn meadowhawks prey on flying insects This wild looking dragonfly is called an autumn meadowhawk. These ornate dragonflies are on the small side, measuring up to 1.5 inches long. This species is also referred to as the yellow-legged meadowhawk, because the legs of the adults are yellow. If you look closely, […]
Condylostylus sipho
Condylostylus sipho – iNaturalist Much more is known about the family of true flies that this species belongs to Up until the evening of May 31st, this insect wasn’t going to be in the June gallery. I was eating dinner on my back porch with my wife, when suddenly this true fly came and landed […]
Florida Softshell Turtle
Florida Softshell Turtle – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern They get this name from their cartilaginous carapace This is Virgil the Turtle. Virgil is a Florida softshell turtle that lives near Williston, Florida. Williston is a small town about half an hour south of Gainesville. North Central Florida is known for its fresh water springs, caverns, and caves. Virgil […]
Fraternal Potter Wasp
Fraternal Potter Wasp – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Once the nest is complete, they will collect beetle larvae, spiders, or caterpillars One day I decided to work from the deck that is right outside my bedroom. While I was sitting there, I noticed that a fraternal potter wasp was coming and going. It wasn’t […]
Mustard Yellow Polypore
Mustard Yellow Polypore – IUCN Description: Insufficient Data It is easiest to identify this mushroom when it is growing I took this photo of a mustard yellow polypore mushroom while hiking at Eagle Creek Park in Indiana. I was letting Landon, my dog, guide me along the trail and allowing him to stop and sniff […]
Long-Spurred Meadow Katydid
Long-Spurred Meadow Katydid – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data This katydid gets its name from the shape of the male cerci This photo was taken just outside my house in Indiana. The bright green color of the katydid caught my attention, and I had to lean in to take a photo. It was a somewhat […]
Southeastern Five-Lined Skink
Southeastern Five-Lined Skink – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern The scientific name for this animal is Plestiodon inexpectatus This photo is of a southeastern five-lined skink. They are common to the southeastern United States. I took this photo while in Siesta Key, Florida. The scientific name for this animal is Plestiodon inexpectatus. It was only […]
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Great blue herons have a lethal weapon built into their head–their beak This majestic aviator is a great blue heron. With this month’s theme of “Zoomed In” you can get a good look at their decorative plumage. Great blue herons have a lethal weapon built into their head–their […]
Gold Dust Day Gecko
Gold Dust Day Gecko – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern The gold dust day gecko is invasive in Hawai’i This photo was taken near Hapuna Beach on the Big Island of Hawai’I in 2023. This colorful animal that you are looking at is a gold dust day gecko. Jill and I were heading back from […]