Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider Live

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider The color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower This month, we are featuring creatures with camouflage capabilities. This spider is capable of changing its color based on the surrounding environment. In this case, the color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower it hunts upon. Wild Boyz Photography featured […]

American Toad

American Toad Live

American Toad – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern You’ll be gulping down water that averages 143 degrees Fahrenheit! What do Bill Clinton, Al Capone, and Major League Baseball all have in common? They all of ties to Hot Springs, Arkansas. This photo of an American toad was taken while in Hot Springs National Park. It’s […]

Leaf Scorpionfish

Leaf Scorpionfish Live

Leaf Scorpionfish – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern I saw three different species of nudibranchs between the two dives! This photo was taken while out on a dive off the coast of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. Despite having been to the Pacific dozens of times, this was surprisingly my first ever dive in the […]

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Live

Praying Mantis – IUCN Conservation Status: Varies Mantids will not develop wings until their final molt These alien looking insects are masters of camouflage and ambush predation. They are often not seen because of this stealth lifestyle. These cryptic creatures have triangle shaped heads. They have large complex eyes that take up most of their heads. Praying mantis have […]

Green Frog

Green Frog Live

Green Frog – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Their body color can range from green to brown to gray This photograph was taken at Bangor City Forest in Maine. Green frogs are typically found close to water, and that was the case here. There is a pond just out of frame. The green frog was perched motionless and […]

Northern Leopard Frog

Northern Leopard Frog Live

Northern Leopard Frog – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Most leopard frogs tend to be shades of green or brown with a leopard pattern This is a northern leopard frog sitting along a brook in Bethel, Maine. I find it challenging to shoot photos of frogs. They typically get spooked and jump away. However, this time I was […]

California Aglaja

California Aglaja Live

California Aglaja – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Although it looks like a nudibranch, it is actually a headshield slug We are looking at a marine sea slug called a California aglaja. Its scientific name is Navanax inermis. I took this photograph in about fifty feet of water in the Channel Islands National Park.  This particular sea […]


Jimsonweed Live

JImsonweed – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data The jimsonweed flower opens up every night as the sun goes down This jimsonweed plant is one of the most interesting plants that has ever grown in my yard. To start off, the corollas of the plant twist shut during the day. Corollas are the collection of all […]

Flat Crep

Flat Crep Live

Flat Crep – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Once a snag falls over, it’s called a log! This flat crep was spotted while out for a hike in Brown County State Park in Indiana. My wife and I were soaking in the moderate heat that was a nice respite from the upper 90-degree days we […]