Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider Live

Yellow Goldenrod Crab Spider The color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower This month, we are featuring creatures with camouflage capabilities. This spider is capable of changing its color based on the surrounding environment. In this case, the color the spider is matching is the black-eyed Susan flower it hunts upon. Wild Boyz Photography featured […]

Green Frog

Green Frog Live

Green Frog – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Their body color can range from green to brown to gray This photograph was taken at Bangor City Forest in Maine. Green frogs are typically found close to water, and that was the case here. There is a pond just out of frame. The green frog was perched motionless and […]

Northern Leopard Frog

Northern Leopard Frog Live

Northern Leopard Frog – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Most leopard frogs tend to be shades of green or brown with a leopard pattern This is a northern leopard frog sitting along a brook in Bethel, Maine. I find it challenging to shoot photos of frogs. They typically get spooked and jump away. However, this time I was […]

Ambush Bugs and Golden-Eyed Lacewing

Ambush Bugs and Golden-eyed Lacewing Live

Ambush Bugs – IUCN Conservation Status: Varies Ambush bugs will prey on creatures much larger than themselves including bees, butterflies, moths, and flies How does a creature get the name ambush bug?   These stealthy bugs sit on flowers and wait for other creatures to get too close. This behavior isn’t unique, in fact we featured a predator […]

Black and Yellow Mud Dauber

Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Live

Black and Yellow Mud Dauber – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data They affix these mud nests in areas that are kept dry.  This photo comes from the Bangor City Forest in Maine. This easily accessible 600+ acre wildlife habitat is open to the public year-round. If you enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing, there are nine miles […]

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Live

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail – IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data The eastern tiger swallowtail has a unique wing extension on its hindwings This pretty pollinator is called an eastern tiger swallowtail. It is a common butterfly found throughout the Eastern United States, from spring through fall. Their range is as far south as Florida to as far north […]


Loon Mooselookemeguntic Live

Common Loon – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern Loons are often confused with ducks because they are about the same size and also swim like a duck.  In the remote northwestern corner of Maine is a large lake with a large name, “Mooselookmeguntic”. The word comes from the Abnaki and means “moose feeding place”. It is technically […]

Beech Mountain

Beech Mountain Acadia Live

Acadia National Park From the summit of Beech Mountain, you can see Echo Lake Located along Maine’s picturesque coastline, Mount Desert Island is the home of Acadia National Park. There are many trails to explore in this 49,075-acre park. There are also summits providing beautiful landscape views. The tallest mountain along the Atlantic Coast of the United States […]

Definite Tussock Moth

Definite Tussock Moth Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Insufficient Data Alpheus Spring Packard identified 500 new animal species I took this photo while out for a hike with Matt in New Hampshire. The day before we had been diving in Maine, and we had spent the night camping. Surprisingly, this was the only photo that I took that day, and […]

Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Live

IUCN Conservation Status: Data Deficient It’s not until you get close to them that you realize their beautiful coloration and texture.  This wild looking creature is called a gypsy moth caterpillar. Along the length of its body there are five sets of blue dots, and six sets of red dots.  Along the side are orange dots. The yellow […]