Red-Spotted Toad – IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern That’s when I came across a horde of tiny toads This photo of a red-spotted toad was taken while on a hike in Austin, Texas. I was hiking on a trail with my brother, Nick, who also serves as the scientific advisor for Wild Boyz Photography. We […]
Pine Tree Sunset Virginia
Pine Trees of Virginia – iNaturalist First of all, nudibranchs are tiny, and I love macrophotography! This photo was taken while visiting the James River in Virginia with some friends. As the sun started to go down, it became more and more evident that one tree was towering above the rest. Although devoid of branches […]
Rio Grande
Rio Grande – Big Bend National Park The Rio Grande is almost 1,900 miles long This photo was taken on a canoe trip down the Rio Grande River in Texas. Ben and I were visiting Big Bend National Park. The left side of the river is Mexico and the right side of the river is the United […]
Rio Grande Canoe Walk
Aoudad – IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable The walls along the river are 1,500′ tall! This photo is from the Santa Elena Canyon in southwest Texas. This was a wild paddle for a few reasons. One reason was that the United States was on one side and Mexico was on the other. So, in this photo the land on […]
Santa Elena Canyon
Big Bend National Park I would highly recommend taking a trip on the Rio Grande I recently took a canoe trip down the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park. This was a great experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting the area. We had booked the trip a few weeks out […]
Longarm Octopus
ATLANTIC LONGARM OCTOPUS – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN The longarm octopus can change their color and texture! Can you find the octopus? The eyeball is in the center of the photograph. Once you find the eye, the rest of the octopus appears. As the name suggests, the longarm octopus are known for their long arms. Their arms can […]
Androscoggin River
SMALLMOUTH BASS – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERN This river influenced the creation of the Clean Water Act (1972) The Androscoggin River is a 178-mile river that extends through parts of New Hampshire and Maine. It is the third largest river in Maine. The river eventually dumps into the Gulf of Maine (Atlantic Ocean). Along the Androscoggin, every […]
Sitka Spruce
This sitka spruce was in Redwood National Park I took this photo while standing in a field of sitka spruce. The trees towered above me. I was overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of the trees that I saw. Being from the Midwest, I was shocked by the immensity of the trees in the Redwood National […]
Q and A with Phillip Hodges
How long have you been involved with CNPC? I’ve been involved since January of 2017. It was then that I joined as a regular board member. By March the existing treasurer stepped down, and I stepped in to be the treasurer. I was the treasurer until August of 2019. At that point I became the […]