Fingerprint cyphomas eat sea fans and sea whips “What am I looking at?” That is usually what people think when they see a fingerprint cyphoma. What is a fingerprint cyphoma? These are about one-inch long gastropods. Think of them like underwater snails. Many divers are familiar with a similar marine gastropod, the flamingo tongue. Fingerprint […]
Arrow Crab Duel
Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers This is a photo of two arrow crabs fighting. During this dive, I remember watching the arrow crabs battle, presumably over territory. When the one arrow crab grabbed the other arrow crab’s blue claws, I took the shot. Arrow crabs don’t seem to mind divers, which makes them […]
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
This shrimp can be found among anemone. Believe it or not, this beautiful shrimp is less than one inch long. Spotted cleaner shrimp are found among certain species of anemone, in this case a corkscrew anemone. As the name implies, this shrimp actually “cleans” the parasites, dead tissue, and algae off of fish. If you […]
Green Sea Turtle
To say the turtle was wrapped in fishing line would be an understatement Diving on a patch reef in the Florida Keys about a month ago, I came across this turtle. It swam right up to me and my dive buddy. To say he was wrapped up in fishing line would be an understatement. The turtle had fishing […]
The reefs were teeming with green sea turtles! The three photos that I contributed to this month’s underwater album all came from snorkeling adventures on my honeymoon. Jill and I got married in November, and we quickly made our way to Maui. There we spent 10 days taking in the sun, the hikes, the waterfalls, […]
Banded Sea Urchin
The spinelets on this urchin can sting. This month I am featuring two urchins. I am always surprised when I come upon a reef that is covered in urchins. They are such peculiar creatures that spend most of their life in the exact same spot every day just eating the algae that is close enough […]
Red Pencil Urchin
The red spines are typical to these urchins in Hawaii When I went underwater for my first snorkel in Hawaii, I was almost immediately met by the oddest-looking urchin that I had ever seen. After some research I found out that I was seeing my first Indo-Pacific endemic urchin, the Red Pencil Urchin; a.k.a. slate […]
Caribbean Sea Spider
You can go your whole dive career without seeing [one of these spiders] If you thought spiders only lived on land, you’re wrong. This is a photo of a Caribbean Sea Spider taken near Blue Heron Bridge in West Palm Beach, Florida. This is a great dive location because no matter how much you dive it, every […]
Juvenile Lobster Riding a Nudibranch
Like with most things in life, timing is critical. This is a photo of a juvenile American Lobster riding on the back of a nudibranch. To provide some scale, this white “shag-rug” looking nudibranch is only about one centimeter long. The lobster is about the size of a grain of rice. I took this photo […]