Cumulus Clouds Myrtle Beach

Cumulus Clouds Myrtle Beach

National Weather Service Clouds are described in three categories: cumuloform, stratoform, or cirroform. This month our gallery theme is “Clouds”. We will be exploring the different types of clouds that blanket earth. A man named Luke Howard was the first to publish a classification system for cloud types. He published this cloud classification system back in 1802! We still […]

Hampton Beach Blizzard

Hampton Beach Blizzard Live

Severe Weather 101 This blizzard rolled through the northeast in January 2022 The temperature was 15 degrees Fahrenheit, but with the wind chill felt like -4 F. Speaking of winds, there were 30 mph sustained winds, with gusts upwards of that. This photo is from a recent blizzard that rolled through the northeast at the end of […]

Calm before the Storm

Storm at Sea Calm Reef Live

National Data Buoy Center Things can change from calm to a storm in an instant The ocean is a dynamic environment. For anyone who has spent time on boats, this is something that’s always in the back of your mind. Things can change from calm to a storm even more quickly in the warm summer months, when […]

Saint Croix Maine

Saint Croix Maine Live

Saint Croix, Maine Saint Croix sits as far east as the Dominican Republic! As the name suggests, this photo is from a place with French roots. Saint Croix sits along Passamaquoddy Bay in northeast Maine, within eye shot of New Brunswick, Canada. This is a unique area geographically. It sits as far east as the Dominican Republic, and […]

Rain over Alakai Swamp

Rain over Alakai Swamp Live

Alakai Swamp Trail Mount Wai’ale’ale once received 683 inches of rain in one year This photo was taken during one a surprising hike on the island of Kauai in Hawai’i. It was surprising for a few reasons. One, Jill and I had thought that we would only be hiking the Nu’alolo Trail on that day. […]

Mahaulepu Beach Incoming Storm

Mahaulepu Beach Incoming Rain Live

Hawaiian Monk Seal – IUCN Conservation Status: Endangered Maha’ulepu Beach consists of three beaches Have you ever wanted to find a place where you were the only one on a tropical beach with the sun shining and the ocean gently lapping against the sand? If so, then you’ll know the dream that my wife and […]

Snow in the Grand Canyon

Snow in the Grand Canyon Live

Grand Canyon National Park Suddenly the snow turned into sleet and then to rain I love this photo because in looking at it, you really feel like you are caught in the middle of a snowstorm. I took this photo while coming up from an eight-mile out-and-back hike down into the Grand Canyon. In the […]

Storm over Salt Marsh

Backyard Salt Flat Dark Clouds Live

ATLANTIC CORDGRASS – IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERNED At high tide you would not be able to see the cordgrass in this photo This month our theme is “backyard nature”.  One of my favorite things about shooting photos in your backyard is that you have lots of opportunists to capture weather.  I live in Hampton […]


Tropical Depression

74+ mph is when we start calling them hurricanes Before we get to hurricanes, you should be aware of tropical waves, tropical depressions, and tropical storms.  A tropical wave is an elongated area of showers and storms that typically moves from east to west across the Atlantic Ocean, along the tropics, near the equator.  As […]

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