Vermont Institute of Natural Science
This month we're partnering with the Vermont Institute of Natural Science. Located in Quechee, Vermont, VINS seeks to promote nature education, research, and wild bird rehabilitation. With over 35,000 visitors to the VINS Nature Center each year, they are able to educate young citizen scientists through their many programs. Their Adopt-a-Raptor program, also known as RISE, enables them to rehab sick and injured raptors at their state-of-the-art raptor rehab center.
The Vermont Institute of Natural Science was founded in 1972 following the successful litigation by Dr. David Laughlin, Rick Farrar, Sarah Laughlin, and June McKnight to clean up the Ottauquechee River. VINS was created as an environmental organization aimed at children. Through the years, VINS has never lost its original mission, and has continued to expand how they are able to promote their goals. With education as one of their core focuses, it's no wonder that we decided to partner with them as this month's featured nonprofit. Join us in supporting VINS!

The mission of VINS "is to motivate individuals to care for the natural environment through education, research, and avian wildlife rehabilitation."
The ELF Program, Environmental Learning for the Future, that the Vermont Institute of Natural Science established was designed to allow the program to grow organically with parents exploring nature with their children. The ELF Program has grown into VINS School Programs, which offers PreK - Grade 12 STEM and placed-based education for schools across the Upper Valley of VT and NH. Today the education programs they offer go beyond the ELF Program. VINS will put on Animal Encounter events, during which they'll present fun facts and allow kids to interact with animals. Schools can attend the Raptor Center as a field trip. The StarLab provides a planetarium experience that can be brought to a school! The Stream Table program provides education around river science and conservation. They also provide teaching kits for teachers and a plethora of information on their nature blog.
The Center for Wild Bird Rehabilitation that was enabled by the founding of the Raptor Center spawned from the fact that so many people were bringing them injured birds. The Raptor Center opened in 1987. The traffic to the site was quickly growing, and in 2004, they opened their new facility in Quechee, VT, the VINS Nature Center. The nature center sits on 47 acres as features 17 raptor enclosures that house hawks, eagles, falcons, owls, and other birds of prey. They also have two songbird aviaries on site. This year they opened the Forest Canopy Walk to great fanfare. This allows visitors to go up into the canopy with heights of the walk reaching 65 feet above the forest floor!
Wild Bird Rehab

Join us in supporting the Vermont Institute of Natural Science
75% of this month's donations will go towards our partner, the Vermont Institute of Natural Science.
This month and every month, Wild Boyz Photography will be partnering with one nonprofit. 75% of any donations that we receive during the month will go to the nonprofit. Help VINS maintain their mission by donating today.